Bozeman Javascript Meet-up

Excited to announce the creation of the Bozeman Javascript Meetup group - a meetup to network with other Javascript coders, discuss JavaScript tips, tricks, hacks, and frameworks, show off interesting projects and learn what's going on in the JS community.

The local Javascript community is growing rapidly and it will be great to have a time/place to meetup each month. The reasons for the growth in the community?

For one, Javascript itself is growing in adoption. Stats from Github show more Javascript repos than any other language.

Other factors:

  • Montana Code School, our local coding bootcamp, is focused full-stack Javascript development
  • Many Bozeman start-ups and businesses are using Javascript in their stack

First Meetup

Our first meetup will be at 7pm on Thursday July 21, 2016 at the Blue Ocean Innovation Center, located just west of Montana State University at 1820 West Lincoln Stree, and is sponsored by Montana Code School.

Being the first event the format will be a bit different than later meetups. There will be time to network, meet other coders, and we'll get a feel for what the community wants from the meetup group. We can also chat about the need for additional events - Ex. pair-programming sessions and Javascript presentations.

Who Should Come

I've received a few questions from interested coders if there's any required experience level to join the Meetup. The answer - Of course not, developers of all experience are welcome and encouraged to join. Even if you're merely interested in Javascript we hope to see you there.

Learn More

RSVP and learn more at