Setting Up a React.js Sandbox

I’ve become a huge fan of easier, more efficient ways to setup development sandboxes. The ability to quickly setup a development sandbox can save hours when it comes to experimenting with new features.

As I’ve been diving deeper into React.js one feature that has really helped is the ability to quickly setup a JSFiddle with React.js. If you want to jump right in all you have to do is fork this base JSFiddle.

The Base JSFiddle

The base JSFiddle includes the current versions of React.js with Add-ons and the JSX Transformer (for converting JSX to JS), as well as a small script to make React.js work within JSFiddle.

Super helpful little feature that’ll save you a ton of time and allow you to experiment with React.js. Here’s the embedded base JSFiddle.

A Simple Example

As a better example I created a simple React fiddle to grab the number of photos tagged with a particular hashtag on Instagram. Type in a hashtag, hit the Count button and you’ll receive the number of photos containing the tag.