
A -post collection

My Favorite Screen Capturing Tools

Being able to capture (and share) what you're seeing on your screen is extremely useful. Here are a few examples: Performing a code-review or pair programming Creating a how-to video for clients Demonstrating a simple issue on a site or app Capturing a static image of how a site, app or single element appears on your screen Over the course of the past week I've done each of these several times. My previous post also used a simple animated screen share. Types of Screen Captures### Capturing a screen can be mean anything from a real-time screenshare to capturing still frames of a small area of a screen. The 'buckets' I find I normally need are: A real-time video screenshare with audio A non real-time video screen

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Stateful Form Inputs

I've been working on a lot of web forms over the past few months. Everything from single-input email signups to registration forms with dozens of inputs. The main priority, of course, is providing a great user experience. Top-of-the-line inputs### HTML forms have come a long way in the recent years with the addition of input types, required and placeholder attributes, and more flexibility with styling. I used a mixture of the above on the forms I recently built, assuming the placeholders and client-side validation would help users complete the forms quickly and painlessly. Each input was given an appropriate input type to make entering data quick and easy. The required attribute was added to utilize client-side validation. And all text-y inputs used a placeholder attribute to

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Atom: My new favorite code editor

In my 12+ years of coding I've gone through quite a few code editors. In the extremely early days I used plain text editors - whatever program was available on the computer at hand. During my days as a student in physics and astronomy I was using a lot of analysis programs and would typically write within the program. Some Matlab, some Mathematica, some LabView, among some other terribly designed programs. When I started web development I moved to Dreamweaver MX. With autocomplete it allowed me to remember less and write more code, faster. Then came the reign of Coda for several years. The integration of FTP was super handy. As I got deeper into Javascript I switched to Sublime Text. The packages and themes allowed

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Updating Ghost on Digital Ocean/Ubuntu

Since I'm running a self-hosted version of Ghost I don't have the advantage of auto-updates (like I would if my site were hosted on In general I like having more control over the install and I've learned a lot about Ghost and nginx in the process but there are times I regret it. This weekend was one of those times. How it all started## Earlier in the week I was reading the Ghost Development Blog and realized my site was running Ghost 0.5.x, far behind the current 0.7.3 release. Included in the updates were many fixes, optimizations and a major UI upgrade. Excited about the new version I decided to upgrade. How to upgrade## Instead of walking you through every

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Statamic Add-on: Global Variable Editor

Based on feedback and requests I've updated my Global Variable Editor add-on for Statamic. Namely the ability to use Statamic's fieldtypes within the global variable editor. Version 1 of the add-on was bare-bones, merely a tab within the Statamic control panel to edit global variables through a standard text input field. Within days of releasing the add-on I had requests for additional fieldtypes. Version 2## Version 2 allows global variables to take advantage of Statamic's fieldtypes, making the global variables more flexible and easier to edit for site admins. This allows global variables to use fieldtypes like redactor, radio, select and others. Allowed fieldtypes are: checkbox checkboxes date markitup radio redactor - no file uploads select tags table text textarea time users Changes## One change in

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